The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161763   Message #3846871
Posted By: Mr Red
27-Mar-17 - 04:36 AM
Thread Name: modern camera work spoils concerts
Subject: RE: modern camera work spoils concerts
the Obama method - cf - the Trump stratagem.

Which camp are you in? Or should I point to the dumbing-down adjectival phrase?

Age does come into it, but there have been many complaints about TV programmes where the "realism" translates to mumbling. Background music that intrudes, flash cuts. It all parallels Farcebook et al. And Farcebook is the digital street corner

How many time do you have to say "could you repeat" when listening at a street corner? In a movie theatre you can't do that.
Farcebook you can. TV with a pause/rewind facility you can. Closed captions/subtitles you stand a chance. (I do, I do, I do).

Post Classical hasn't thought it through. It is the old "form v function" story, fashion is not about function, never has been. Ever been to a ceilidh in stiletto heels? (not me!)