The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30122   Message #384699
Posted By: Allan C.
29-Jan-01 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: U.S. growing more and more disturbing
Subject: RE: U.S. growing more and more disturbing
Life in the big city has a way of grinding folks down. There is an aura of negativity that eventually permeates every aspect of thought and action. A young, then unknown, Carl Sagan explained this far better than I could in a Life Magazine article in 1959. Look it up at your local library.

After awhile it becomes easier and easier to look around and find things that aren't what they probably ought to be. Such things have ALWAYS been there; always will be. As I write this I am flashing back to the days in my own life when THE BOMB loomed over us - especially those of us like me who lived in Washington, D.C. at that time - and tainted nearly every aspect of our daily lives.

For me, the cure was to get out of town. I eventually made my way to the peaceful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. It was like, but far better than the old Drifters' song, "Up On the Roof" alluded to: "On the roof, it's peaceful as can be and there the world below can't bother me." That escape, (the roof) was simply a few moments of respite from the many cares of the world. Getting out of town can be virtually permanent.

Once distance is put between you and the rat-race, there is a wonderful insulation that comes with it. Sure, the problems still abound. But only the ones you choose to think about, trouble you out in the country. Your problems are generally simpler: Are there enough groceries at hand to last if we get snowed in? Will the well dry up before the drought ends? Will the new highway, (Corridor H) really bring good things to the area or will it bring it to ruin? Let's hope the early frost doesn't keep the trees from looking beautiful in their Autumn colors.

I know that not everyone can uproot themselves from their ties (however imagined some of them might be) to the city. Life in the country or in small, semi-isolated towns is not for everyone, thank goodness. But I have to say that for me, the change has been a good one.

Give it some thought.