The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30122   Message #384720
Posted By: AllisonA(Animaterra)
29-Jan-01 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: U.S. growing more and more disturbing
Subject: RE: U.S. growing more and more disturbing
I'm with you, Kendall. Living in the city, or paying lots of attention to the media, is like living with Chicken Little all the time. There's an urgency that just doesn't exist far from the madding crowd. Folks here in Cow Hampshire aren't country hicks, there are lots of informed, caring people who stop to let you out of your parking place, wave you on to turn when they have the right of way, strike up a conversation in the line at the bank, and so on. There's also drugs, anger, frustration, pain and suffering. But I think we have a little more perspective.