The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161452   Message #3849027
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-Apr-17 - 07:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Subject: RE: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
"Voting for Blair"
Voting for scumbags like Blair had s.f.a. to do with racism, opposition to which has remained unchanged since Labour was founded by the Trades Unions and immigrants like the Jews fleeing pogroms
The nearest not New Labour have given to any form of racism is to adopt an opportunist approach to winning votes by compromising on immigration, but somebody with your outlook, who thinks it is acceptable to force immigrants to wear yellow stars and who believes mass murderer had something to sat worth listening to can't possibly have a problem with that
Your comments on soacism are crap as you as far away from a real socialist as it would be possible to imagine - personally, I hope to the gog I don't believe in that I don't live to see your brand of National Socialisam come to fruition again - I was born when it was at it's most vicious, I hope I don't go out to see it jackbooting its way through Eurpe again.
Corbyn is the one shining light in a party that has been taken over by right wing predators and career politicians seeking a tenure for life.   
If he fails, let's hope that genuine socialists have the nouse to take Ireland's example and build a few alternatives cable of challenging the status quo (though that took the self-destruction of the Irish Labour Party to make that a possibility)
Jim Carroll