The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161452   Message #3849062
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-Apr-17 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Subject: RE: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Tell you what I'm going to do Keith
You obviously have no intention of desisting with your vicious racist attacks on the Travelling Community, by far the most vulnerable in Britain, on the verge of being ethnically cleansed out of existence – so I think it's time to put your "massive over-representation" invention to the test.
Over the last few decades, the Christian Church, in Ireland in Britain and as far afield as Canada and America, has been blown apart though disclosures of clerical sexual abuse that have gone back certainly throughout the twentieth century and even beyond – the first case of Clerical sexual abuse was recorded as far back as The Book of Kells.
Not only have clerics made sexual use of children that fell within their reach, but their church hierarchy have colluded in that abuse by covering it up and by the offenders being passed on to parishes where their "little weaknesses" are not known.
Up to the present day the Vatican has refused to reveal details of those abuses and allowed the victims to achieve some sort of justice, or at least, peace of mind.
These abuses have been centred on the Catholic Church, but it is obvious that they include other Christian churches, your own included.
You refuse to comment on the two Salvation Army Christians who imprisoned a young woman for eight years, during which time they raped and sexually abused her, beat her, starved her and kept her in conditions in which it would be illegal to keep an animal.
It seems to me that, if the actions of a small handful of criminals, who happen to be Travellers, represent a "massive over-representation" by the Travelling community, using your own 'logic' that has to be the case with the Christian church and its many hundred of clerical abuses.
Not only that, taking another of your inventions, as the abuses spread to all levels of the Church, it seems possible that the Christian Church is "culturally implanted" to rape children – if that can be applied to Muslims, why not Christians?
While I have serious doubts about your claim, you say you are a Christian, so you should be able to give us an insider's view
I have no desire to upset or insult people on this forum whose beliefs I respect, ut I really do think too and Teribus have been given your head (whoops – not a tactful term as far as clerical abuse goes!!) for long enough.
I worked with Travellers for thirty years and I found them warm, generous and welcoming; I was also able to see what damage racism like yours and Teribus's did to them and their families.
One more mention of "massive" or even "small over-representation" and I will start a thread of my own to see how your theory holds up when applied to other cultures and races.
When that runs its course, I may even start one to see if the third of British people questioned who admitted holding and expressing racists views represents yet another "nmassive over-representation" or "cultural implant"
Waddya think?
Jim Carroll