The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30049   Message #384950
Posted By: The Walrus at work
29-Jan-01 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: Irishism
Subject: RE: Irishism
"...I always thought it was the broomstick handled mauser, which was much more dependable and hearty than the lugar, which tended to jam, ....."


Working here from (a defective) memory,

The "Parabellum" was the P'08 family (Lugers in their various forms) which featured a stock board which fitted in a harness behind the holster for the "artillery" model (8" barrel ?) (although all the early German models could use the butt). This used the German Army 9mm "Parabellum" round. The "Broom-handle" (or "bolo")Mauser (the Mauser model 1896) was originally made in 7.63 mm and featured a wooden holster which could be used as a butt and was carried in a belt harness. The Mauser was converted to take the 9 mm miltary ammunition, but, IIRC it was slightly too powerful for the mechanism which could lead to the jams.
