The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161865   Message #3849933
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
10-Apr-17 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: why teachers despair and quit
Subject: RE: BS: why teachers despair and quit
i dunno. you're all very judgemental.

a cursory look at society should be enough to tell you that the world is full of people not really doing what they want to. to earn a living. why should teaching be any different. tell you worried young teacher friend - just because you're struggling now doesn't mean you al ways will be. perhaps its not the right branch of teaching for you - teaching has many mansions.

i think it was one of the beat poets who said DH Lawrence tell you that sex between men and women should be a wondrous loving beautiful thing like running into a cathedral. by and large - its not.

it would be nice if all the lessons were great and all the teachers great - but common sense tells us that it will never be. Its a good job. And even if you aren't the world's greatest you will achieve competence if you try hard enough. And you will help some children - even in the most terrible of schools and classes.

if everything was easy and came naturally to us - we'd all be perfect.   sorry to be preachy - i guess it comes from being a folksinger.