The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161865   Message #3849976
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
11-Apr-17 - 05:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: why teachers despair and quit
Subject: RE: BS: why teachers despair and quit
does it matter, you two what precise percentage of teachers drop out?

a lot do - despite the wages not really being too bad.

the reasons for this are many and varied. rather like all government workers - police, army, social workers....successive governments abuse, then idealise, underfund and generally bugger about in an amateurish way, and expect too much from human beings whom they thrust into impossible circumstances.

The thing is though - its a difficult job. Very hard work. it takes imagination, realism, a lot of patience and though no one will brief you on the fact, a degree of low cunning. plus experience, The third time you teach Richard II , Seamus Heaney or THe WAsteland to A level kids will be be better than the first time. and that's tough on you and tough on the kids you teach first time.

that's why having a high drop out rate isn't great for the profession. you DO get better and more mature in your response to problems.

The greatest problem in this gig are the snake oil salesman. THe guys that tell you the problems will all be solved by dismantling what has been achieved.