The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161865   Message #3850168
Posted By: Senoufou
12-Apr-17 - 08:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: why teachers despair and quit
Subject: RE: BS: why teachers despair and quit
I've just remembered this (going senile I expect):-

When I was teaching in Scotland, early seventies, a new thing came in whereby all teachers had to be give 'Non-Contact Time' of 30 minutes every school day. Money was provided to employ extra staff to cover the two-and-a-half hours per week for every teacher. The time was intended to be spent preparing lessons, marking work, assembling equipment and planning etc. It was a real godsend, and I'm wondering if it still pertains 'up there'?
In my English school (I was there for over twenty years) there was nothing like this, and one was expected to work after hours (I often didn't leave the building until gone 5pm, and always appeared at 7.30 am to get stuff done. We all took work home with us too, and dragged ourselves in during holidays. If one hadn't done this, one would have drowned under the backlog.