The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137101   Message #3850242
Posted By: Steve Gardham
12-Apr-17 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: Fleetwood & Fishing: Songs of the Trawling Trade
Subject: RE: Fleetwood & Fishing: Songs of the Trawling Trade
Ross and Ron,
Excellent thread. Just read it through and there are many parallels with what we are doing in Hull regarding the trawling industry and its songs. We, Spare Hands, have many of Linda's songs in our repertoire and of course Mike's as well as many we have written ourselves, mostly to trad tunes like yours.

Particularly interested in your local version of what we call 'Bury me up at Cape Kanin'. Do your versions go to the more common 'Red River Valley' tune, or the original 1930s 'Bury me not on the Prairie'? I have versions to both tunes. Whilst I was familiar with lots of wartime forces versions we only just came across our trawlerman version painted on the walls of one of our dock offices.

We're just about to record our third album, this time waterways songs of the Humber area.