The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161905   Message #3851001
Posted By: Donuel
18-Apr-17 - 09:26 AM
Thread Name: BS:Mass murder of defenceless civilians-Korea 1951
Subject: RE: BS: Mass murder of defenceless civilians
Is there really anything new about the mass murder of defenseless civilians?

Is there science that provides answers for this recurring phenomenon?
Yes there is.

Until this knowledge is understood by the majority of the world and used as a tool/weapon against senseless holocaust, we are all prey to the next lie, rumor and hate scare.

This knowledge is not the detailed understanding of a holocaust event. It is far more simple than that.

I will not scold a soul for what they know. Knowledge is still the key.

Congratulations all for taking the first step by asking the questions.

Sincerely Don
-warning pre-emptively against the next fake "Pueblo" incident-