The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30139   Message #385250
Posted By: Sarah2
29-Jan-01 - 07:29 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Time, Gentlemen, Time (Gene Raskin)
Subject: Lyr Add: TIME, GENTLEMEN, TIME (Raskin)
Here ya go:

(Gene Raskin)

Here's to my town, my own Dublin town,
Where the pubs have to close on time.
You're in heaven by seven,
Thrown out by eleven,
I calls it a bleedin' shame!
And it's...

Time, gentlemen, Time,
Time, gentlemen, Time.
Raise your glass
To the pleasures that pass.
Time, gentlemen, Time.

Here's to our friends, our steady old friends
The ones that are tried and true.
They are the best,
And to hell with the rest,
There is only one test that'll do:
And that's...


Here's to the girls, ah, the pretty little girls,
Ah, the girls we used to know.
And here's to their lips, their slender little hips,
What was it made them grow?
It was...


And here's to our youth, ah, the days of our youth;
How quickly they pass away.
Ah, but why should we wait
Until it's too late?
Let's kick up our heels today!
While there's...



This is all the info on the tape. I imagine each singer picks his own favorite city...and "shame" can, of course, be pronounced "shyme" as per Cockney.
