The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161833   Message #3854389
Posted By: Senoufou
11-May-17 - 04:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: what did you name your cat
Subject: RE: BS: what did you name your cat
'Fag-Ash'? Gah! 'Smokey' - excellent name (one of ours is 'Smokey')

The lovely little family-up-the-road have called their new ginger cat 'Ronnie', which for some reason always makes me laugh.

'Ronnie' has teamed up with 'Spirit' (cat-from-hell) who is leading him astray in a big way. They were seen together only yesterday, striding across the ridge pole on the roof of a neighbour's bungalow, trying to catch some pigeons. The lady inside said it sounded like hob-nailed boots tramping overhead.

'Spirit' already has a housemate called 'Marmite', but it appears 'Marmite' is law-abiding and boring, and they don't play together. I reckon 'Spirit' is aiming to form a gang of hoodlums. They'll probably be dealing catnip soon on the street corner.