The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162068   Message #3855243
Posted By: akenaton
15-May-17 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: ADD: Conservative Christian Right-Wing Repub...
Subject: RE: ADD: Conservative Christian Right-Wing Repub...
My wife is very ill in hospital, although I have seldom been in Church and am nominally an atheist many local Christians have come and asked if they may pray for us both......I have been very deeply touched by their concern. They are wonderful people who embody the principles of the Christian faith.....If there is a God and an afterlife I wish them nothing but good in it.

I am beginning to think that we atheist do not have the strength to support a faith, we are so inhibited by science and life.

I am constantly reminded of an event concerning the death of a relative which could not be explained, it concerned powers of communication which science reckons to be impossible.....but I know it actually happened. Was it God or simply a power that we are unable to explain like intuition?   Let the Mystery be I say.

Joe, I'm sorry to say this, but you only encourage the enemies of your faith.