The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91268   Message #3855292
Posted By: *#1 PEASANT*
15-May-17 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: Songs/Poems of Joe Wilson
Subject: RE: Songs/Poems of Joe Wilson

TEUN-"Erin go Bragh."

"Oh, Jack, what's the metter? ye luck se doon-hearted,
Whativor's yor trubbil? aw hope ye'll tell me,
Ye luck se dejected, what is't lad? cum tell us,
It pains us te see a yung chep sad as ye."
"Whey, Joe, man, aw'm nearly heart-broken, believe us,
Aw can find ne injoyment i' me pipe or me glass,
Me luv for me Mary's byeth strange an' unsartin,
Aw heh ne peace 0' mind throo that Factory Lass!

"She works i' the fact'ry amang lots 0' lasses,
But nyen 0' the beauties that's there can compare
Wi' the lass that aw's efter,-she's smart an' she's bonny,
Wi' blue eyes, a Wellinton nose, an' reed hair;
Her mooth wad tempt ony te wish they dor kiss them,
Her lucks a' tegither a Queen wad surpass,
But, oh man, aw's frighten'd she cares nowt aboot us,
Ay, an' me deep i' luv wi' that Factory Lass!

"Aw left her one mornin te join the Militia,
An' sairly she cried an' aw hoped 'twes for me,
But noo man, aw doot it, -aw'm not often jealous,
But really aw've seen what aw'd rether not see.
She wesleet-myed an' canny the mornin aw left her,
But noo she's se stoot, that the neybors a' pass
Remarks--when aw hear them aw shudder an' fear that
She's been false te me hes that Factory Lass!

"Aw sumtimes imadjin aw shud marry sweet Mary,
But if aw propose man, aw've ne courage wid,
For aw've thowt te me-sel that thor might be sumbody,
Had mair reet te her, ay, an' mair reet te did.
So aw feel se unhappy, the whole toon aw wander,
But whativor shud happen, whativor shud pass,
Aw promise te tell ye the next time aw meet ye,
Aw'm as daft as a feul throo that Factory Lass!"

-Source: Joe Wilson,(author) Songs and Drolleries, 1890