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Thread #161452   Message #3855381
Posted By: Steve Shaw
16-May-17 - 06:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Subject: RE: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
I don't think that at all and I have given you no reason to make such a stupid assertion.

The soldiers in Jim's piece were in the thick of the conflict. Collins visited the war zone a year after the fighting. You dismiss first-hand accounts by five dozen IDF men on the ground in favour of a single establishment man, far removed from the conflict, a man avidly sought by both the Tories and the Ulster Unionists for their ranks, a man, let's face it, far more likely to side with the Israeli regime than with the Palestinians. He gave a lovely little-Englander speech to his men at the start of the disastrous Iraq invasion, full of purple prose, failing to see the wrongs of it, unlike millions of the rest of us, who couldn't believe what was happening. He has shown himself to be just as capable of misjudgement as anyone else, even working with a fraudulent reporter at the Beeb. I'm not saying this to blacken his name. I'm sure he's a very fine man and a damn good soldier. I'm saying this as a corrective to your rather sycophantic appeal to authority in presenting him to us as a man of flawless and inviolable integrity. He is not that man. It's very amusing to see how your exceptionally sharp critical faculties are always immediately blunted, positively disembowelled, by anyone coming from the establishment. You've clearly been taking lessons from Keith.

As for Judge Goldstone, he made mistakes that he has admitted to. But ask yourself why Israel, if their behaviour has been as saintly as described in the UN Watch report, absolutely refused to cooperate with him right from the outset. And, whatever you think of this alleged self-hating Jew, just consider how he's changed the game for Israel. Their military escapades are under scrutiny like never before, to the benefit of everyone in the region, as a consequence of his report, no matter how flawed.