The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91268   Message #3855799
Posted By: *#1 PEASANT*
18-May-17 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: Songs/Poems of Joe Wilson
Subject: RE: Songs/Poems of Joe Wilson

TEUN-" The Happy Land of Erin."

AW'M myest settled noo for life,
For aw'm gawn te tyek a wife,
An' her fethur's gawn te giv his bisniss tiv her;
He's independent noo,
He's as rich as any Jew,
Throo the keuk shop that he manages se clivvor.


Her fethur keeps a keuk shop;
An' monya lad aw knaw
Te win me Mary's hand they've often sowt her;
But aw'Il use the knife an' fork
Te byeth mutton, beef, an' pork,
Like the aud man, when aw wed his canny dowter.

Iv'ry day at twelve o'clock,
Ye shud only see them flock
Roond the coonter, for the canny man te sarve them;
Frae the joints that's smokin het,
If a smell ye only get,
It 'ill please yor eyes an' nose te see him carve them.

Ye shud see them feast thor eyes
On the soop, the meat, an' pies,
For such hungry-Iuckin customers surraand him;
But he's ower wide awake
Te myek any greet mistake,
His aud-fashin'd fyece 'ill show they'll not confoond him.

He's seun gawn te retire
Frae the keuk shop an' its fire,
Aw'll succeed him,-an' ne better cud be sowt for;
A fortin noo he's myed,
So his dowter gets the trade,
An' it's a sartinty it's me that gets the dowter.

The mysteries ov the pies
An' the sassages aw'll prize,
Aw heh ne call te tell the neybors what we trade on;
"Where ignorance is bliss"
Informashun brings distress,
So it's best for folks te knaw nowt what thor made on.

-Source: Joe Wilson, (author) Songs and Drolleries, 1890