The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162117   Message #3856491
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-May-17 - 06:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: A Trump Abroad
Subject: RE: BS: A Trump Abroad
" No big deal."
Only if to accept the behaviour of our politicians Iains
The fact that other politicians are shysters and hypocrites doesn't make that behavior right
We elect these bastards on promises then never keep - are you happy with that?
Can't see any "balance" in your link
We have always known that Britain has always turned the other way when it comes to Saudi behaviour
Cameron opened a massive arms fair to sell arms to States like S A as Arabs were demanding freedom of speech from those regimes.
He went to pay homage to the father of the present dynasty while a journailst was being administered 1000 lashes for speaking out of turn.
Under Tory leadership, starting with Mrs T, Britain has become little more than America's poodle and a lickspittle for repressive regimes because we need the custom for our arms and their oil
Jim Carroll