The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162125   Message #3856745
Posted By: Greg F.
23-May-17 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'free vote' about fox hunting?
Subject: RE: BS: 'free vote' about fox hunting?
I do not have a problem with foxes torn apart by dogs

So you're one of those "there are good animals(domestic) and there are bad animals(wild)" throwbacks to the 19th Century? Also, you might add dogs to your food chain; many cultures find them delicious.

RE:possible Engineering degree, just a point of interest;you seem to exhibit the symptoms many enginners present from the disease they acquire through their intensive arrogance and infallibility training.

There's got be a far more humane and efficient ways of dealing with foxes

There assuredly are, but what fun would they be?? Studies also demonstrate that fox hunting with hounds does jack squat to control the fox population.