The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162126   Message #3856932
Posted By: Senoufou
24-May-17 - 07:49 AM
Thread Name: Manchester Explosion May 22, 2017
Subject: RE: Manchester Explosion May 22, 2017
Like Nigel Parsons and others, I was very heartened to see all the wonderful support and help given by so many Manchester folk from all backgrounds. Offers of accommodation from private houses and pubs, to open mosques giving out refreshments, free taxi rides for those stranded, off-duty doctors rushing to various hospitals to give aid and so on.

If nothing else, it's shown just how kind and well-disposed the majority of people are.
It's probably drawn everyone even closer together and united us all against the foe.

My husband has been to Manchester (sadly I never have) when his English wasn't very good, and people were delightful, giving directions and smiling. (He was visiting to Old Trafford) It sounds like a wonderful place.