The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162135   Message #3857046
Posted By: alex s
24-May-17 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: Reasons to go to a folk club
Subject: RE: Reasons to go to a folk club
There are also reasons NOT to go to certain clubs.
Lazy buggers who have made no attempt to improve or learn anything new for years. Same old...
So-called poets who read other people's work from books. Talent?
People who can't be bothered to get in tune and think it's so funny to say "it's good enough for folk" Offensive!
Heads buried in song books so that you couldn't hear it even if you wanted too. Maybe not a bad thing after all.
The upshot is that all the good performers stop going, so all that's left is utter mediocrity.
How different from the vibrant clubs of yesteryear.
Boo hoo.