The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30176   Message #385726
Posted By: Big Mick
30-Jan-01 - 11:38 AM
Thread Name: Boring knowalls
I am glad someone fecking exposed that damn Bolton for what he is!!!!!!!!!!!! All that horses patoot ever does is sit around and give people the info they ask for, wander around on his own time and try and find things for folks that they couldn't find in the states...............what a waste of DNA. I am with Liam's Brother on this one..........anyone willing to help completely unknown folks out just because they ask.......well that eejit must have an agenda. Must be part of the vast right wing conspiracy.......AWWRIGHT Bolton, have you ever met a woman named Lewinsky? Do you have a friend with a tape recorder who likes to tape friends private conversations and sell them?.........Come clean, you gobshite. You know that you were a member of the Communist party in the 30's and 40's..........Many t'anks to harmoniclive for saving us from this dread menace