The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162126   Message #3857752
Posted By: Steve Shaw
29-May-17 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: Manchester Explosion May 22, 2017
Subject: RE: Manchester Explosion May 22, 2017
Good call in more ways than one, Acme.

I know it's contentious, but I think a discussion of the effects of western foreign policy on the breeding of terrorism is germane. I note that Jeremy Corbyn was attacked for appearing to suggest a link. He parried the blow pretty well. I'm not happy with the "told you so, we had it coming" brigade. If somebody blows innocent people to kingdom come, they are mass murderers who are one hundred percent responsible for their actions. But that doesn't mean that there isn't a debate to be had. This world is filled with human beings capable of love but also capable of resentment at mistreatment. It would be stupid to suggest that that can't spill over into action. Bad action, unjustified action, but action. It would also be stupid to suggest that the west has the monopoly on justice and fair play. I gave Keith a number of instances of how the west undermines democracy and props up vicious dictators. The examples are legion, unfortunately.