The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162126   Message #3857759
Posted By: Steve Shaw
29-May-17 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: Manchester Explosion May 22, 2017
Subject: RE: Manchester Explosion May 22, 2017
I don't agree with you and I don't agree with Stu when he accuses us of not knowing what we're talking about. The debate can't be restricted just to those directly affected, as much as their input is valuable. "Old men" (and old women) have a lifetime of experience behind them. True, in some people's cases nothing seems to have stuck. But a long lifetime's accumulated experience of the vicissitudes of life can lend a degree of objectivity, perspective and philosophy. 'Twas ever thus, and it can occasionally help to temper the ardour of passionate youth. As long as we have our antennae fine-tuned to the "things weren't like this in my day" brigade...