The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162126   Message #3857910
Posted By: akenaton
30-May-17 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: Manchester Explosion May 22, 2017
Subject: RE: Manchester Explosion May 22, 2017
The destabilisation of Libya and Iraq allowed the terrorists to organise.....That destabilisation happened with our aid.
"liberals" in UK and Us screamed for the removal of Gaddafi, Saddam and latterly Assad.

Anyone stating that truth is not disrespecting our armed forces, who must go where they are sent by the government of the day.

The rise of Jihadi terrorism corresponded to the demise of these leaders, leaving a vacuum which the terrorists filled and expanded their territory. Only after Putin stepped in to assist Assad did the downward spiral end and the terrorists start to retreat.

Response to Western values is indeed what drives these people to perform their atrocities.......the perpetrators may be mad or brainwashed, but the leaders of Wahhabi Islam are afraid that the tide of Western "liberalism" may reduce their power and see their religion go the way of Christianity.
There is no doubt that Western social values have nose dived in the last couple of decades and we live in a decadent society, but the response of these people is far beyond the pale and verging on crime against humanity.