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Thread #161452   Message #3858001
Posted By: Teribus
31-May-17 - 02:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Subject: RE: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Lies, the EU, the British electorate and the referendums:

1: Referendums seem perfectly OK to those complaining about them here whenever they give what they consider the right result. The British electorate seem well enough informed and qualified then.

2: The British electorate were lied to in 1973 when we were asked to vote to join.

3: The British electorate were lied to in 1975 when we were asked to confirm our desire to stay in Europe.

4: Over the years as the EU forced through it's political agenda people began to realise what was going on. Maastricht was almost a bridge too far, we objected and came a way with a rebate. Lisbon however was even too much for three other members of the Union (France, The Netherlands and Ireland).

5: Over the changes via more than 480 articles in the Lisbon Treaty the British electorate started to grumble and Gordon Brown promised the electorate a referendum on EU membership. That promise was reneged on when the original Lisbon Treaty was ditched and via a technicality was reintroduced by the EU Commission in a much reduced form that did not require unanimous Council of Ministers approval.

6: In the Conservatives 2010 General Election manifesto an EU Referendum was promised by Cameron. Unfortunately the Conservatives did not win the 2010 election with sufficient seats to form a Government and went into a coalition with the Liberal-Democrats who insisted that the promised referendum was abandoned.

7: Ever since Lisbon a small political party dedicated to getting the UK out the EU was becoming more and more vocal, started to threaten the voting base of all the main UK political parties.

8: In the Conservatives 2015 General Election manifesto the promise to hold a referendum on EU membership reappeared, this time they did win with a sufficient number of seats because the Lib-Dem vote basically collapsed. True to their word the Conservatives held the referendum and the vote was to Leave.