The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162126   Message #3858081
Posted By: Jim Carroll
31-May-17 - 08:00 AM
Thread Name: Manchester Explosion May 22, 2017
Subject: RE: Manchester Explosion May 22, 2017
"Of course De-stabilisation is bad, when there is nothing to fill the vacuum. "
The protests you sneer at were spontaneous actions aimed at improving the lot of the Arab peopl - they were not organised revolutions or the extremist plots you pass them off as.
The West has encouraged the oppression in their own interests and facilitated it with money and arms
Your "Britain First" attitude to immigration has made it clear that it is the interests of the home-grown population that comes first (excluding emigrants that have settled here for generations - your multiculturalism that has "proved a disaster")
How do you squatre that with your demand that dictators abroad should be kept in place for our benefit.
You are expressing the ideology of Empire perfectly - these people, wherever they are, are there to serve us (or our masters)
You want your cake and everybody elses.
Their society should develop to serve their people and we should never have say in who rules of how they should rule.
"Gaddafi, Saddam and latterly Assad" are you out of your mind?
Of course they needed to be kicked into touch - we should never have tolerated and ignored their Crimes against humanity in the first place and the kids of Manchester payed with their lives for our having done so.
Jim Carroll