The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30158   Message #385837
Posted By: Bill D
30-Jan-01 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: This thread does not exist :)
Subject: RE: This thread does not exist :)
mousethief...AM I overpedantic?(wondering if there is a corollary 'underpedantic') *raising one eyebrow and peering suspiciously*....maybe I'm just the 3rd little pig who built his house of brick. I can joke and frolic with the best of 'em, and love cute, clever reparteé (though I ain't as fast at it as some...or even as I once was)...but now & then, I see something that seems to cry out for sense and explication.

Gee, I always assumed that those who just wanna play would ignore my turgid, boring attempts at 'arrant pedantry'....but I guess there are just some who up with it will not put...

,,,really, I'll try to do better.. and make a belated resolution to post at least one bit of gratuitous frippery every day...*evil grin*