The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162192   Message #3858898
Posted By: leeneia
04-Jun-17 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: tune names - may I vent?
Subject: RE: tune names - may I vent?
Hi, CupofTea. Welcome to the inner golden circle of people who read carefully enough to know that my OP is about distributing music, not about playing notes.

About the tune where you couldn't find the beat. We had one of those, 'The Bemused Benthologist'. (Twee tune name alert!) Our pianist has her master's in performance, and even she had to battle to make it sound like a dance. And after all our practice, the callers didn't do it.

However, we had a beautiful evening. We had a lot of beginners, so things were slowed down. This means that players play more in tune and improvisations are richer. We did 4 lovely waltzes,

A Bruxa
Lepteana or is it Leptaena?
Dear Mama and Dear Papa
The Royal Albert Waltz

I crafted the Royal Albert by turning a 6/8 tune into 3/4 and eliminating certain jiggy features which didn't work in a waltz. It was very beautiful by the time we got done.