The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30122   Message #385991
Posted By: Jim the Bart
30-Jan-01 - 05:43 PM
Thread Name: U.S. growing more and more disturbing
Subject: RE: U.S. growing more and more disturbing
Just a couple of things that, I hope, add to the dialogue:

If I'm not mistaken, Kuwait was created at the end of WWII by the allies. They essentially took the part of Iraq that had the oil and made it a separate country, creating a grateful, puppet state to supply the oil needs of the West, leaving the bulk of the country one step from impoverished. Saddam is and was a beast, but he is a beast with a point - he was trying to retrieve what was originally Iraq's.

Yes, this country is getting a little meaner in spirit - but I still wouldn't want to live anywhere else (except maybe Canada). I have found as much freedom and joy in my life as I could ever wish for. I only lose sight of how lucky I am when I am forced to focus on "the elusive spondulick" as W.C. Fields put it (that's M-O-N-E-Y, folks).

I am a lot nicer, a lot friendlier and a lot happier when I'm not hard pressed to keep the ends together. I think a lot of people are like that - caught up in the "pursuit of happiness". Or of college money for their kids (who really do deserve it).

For some people these are extremely hard times (in spite of how high the NASDAQ goes). Worry is a natural source for ill temper. For some, greed defines their lives (even for some Democrats). It's easy to see why there are so many folks snarling, prowling around, protecting their turf. . .

I am not a communist; as I have said before I am a socialist. But I have to ask the "free market capitalists" one thing: Should it surprise anyone who believes that COMPETITION is the best source of MOTIVATION, that people raised in this environment are aggressive and nasty? It doesn't really have to be that way you know. COOPERATION does work. And there really is plenty for everyone.