The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162229   Message #3860006
Posted By: Steve Shaw
10-Jun-17 - 06:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Six Day War 50 Years On
Subject: RE: BS: Six Day War 50 Years On
"Arabs, who are about 20% of Israel's population, enjoy, without any exception, the same rights and opportunities in all fields as their Jewish fellow citizens"

You forgot to mention the fact that unemployment among Israeli Arabs is far higher than among Jews, that Arabs are far more likely to be stopped at checkpoints for hours or even days, that school buses won't go through Arab areas forcing the kids to walk miles to the edges of the towns, that school achievement is far lower, that housing is much poorer, that the average pay of Arabs is far lower than that of Jews, that the wall has robbed many Arab families of large portions of their farms. And so on. We've been here before.

So, as Arabs don't seem to be doing anywhere near as well as Jews in Israel, there can only be one of two explanations:

(a) Israeli Arabs are feckless, lazy people who bring all their problems on themselves (the exact argument used to defend white domination in Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa).

Or (b) Arabs in Israel are discriminated against.

Which is it, boobs?