The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162229   Message #3860219
Posted By: Steve Shaw
11-Jun-17 - 05:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Six Day War 50 Years On
Subject: RE: BS: Six Day War 50 Years On
Excuse me, you clowns. My posts are a direct response to Bobad's claims apropos of perfect equality for Arab citizens in Israel. Your usual bleats about how much worse things are in other countries (which I have no interest in denying, by the way) are facile and childish. We should let off little Johnny for stealing little Mary's sweeties just because little Jimmy has been looking up the girls' skirts. That's how it goes. Just to remind you that one bloody good reason for a person not fleeing their country is that they were born there and all their family lives there. When we did we ever run our countries on the basis of if you don't like it here, especially if you're not in my ethnic group, just bugger off? By the way, the information I've provided is easily accessible from neutral sources, Teribus. Clasping your hands over your ears instead of looking it up for yourself just because I brought it up is piling childishness on childishness. Look it up. Not one word of it is made up. In fact, it's a fair bit worse than I said. Off you go now.