The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162229   Message #3860250
Posted By: bubblyrat
11-Jun-17 - 08:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Six Day War 50 Years On
Subject: RE: BS: Six Day War 50 Years On
What memories do I have of 1967 and the "six day war "?? Well, at the time , I was serving aboard the aircraft-carrier HMS Eagle ,and about to leave for Aden ; however, the Suez canal was blocked by sunken ships and rendered impassable . Therefore, we were obliged to get to Aden the "long way round" , stopping at Ascencion Island to give aid to a badly-damaged US aircraft-carrier ,then having a short stay in Capetown,followed by an unscheduled stop at Gan ((Addu Atoll) in the Maldives in order to recover one of our Sea Vixens which had overshot the runway there, arriving ,eventually, in Singapore ,by which time the "six day war" was well and truly over ,and the Aden emergency was in its last throes. Facts from our 1967/68 commission ; distance travelled ; 112,000 miles ;fuel oil consumed ;220,000 tons.I don't know offhand how many gallons that is, or what our miles-per gallon ( or gallons per mile) figures were, but it was probably quite expensive!