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Thread #162229   Message #3860598
Posted By: Teribus
13-Jun-17 - 05:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Six Day War 50 Years On
Subject: RE: BS: Six Day War 50 Years On
"Jim Carroll - 13 Jun 17 - 03:15 AM

Been there, done that Teribus

In your dreams Jom - In your dreams.

1: "you made a six-attempt shambles of trying to justify this sale,"

A couple of problems with that little invention of yours Carroll:

a) I have never made any attempt to justify anything connected with your fairy tale
b) Apart from the record that an export licence was issued there has never, ever been one shred of evidence that there was any sale (Feel free Jom to come up with evidence that ammunition was sold and delivered using the said licence - you couldn't do so in 2012 and I doubt very much if you can or will now - you stated that it had so it is rather up to you to prove it - you won't)

2: "inventing (without evidence), six contradicting reasons wy they ammunioion was never ordered,)

There has never been any evidence that Syria ordered any ammunition. If you have any please produce it.

3: "then was ordered but never licenced,"

As stated above no evidence to support that Syria placed any order for ammunition.

4: "then was licenced bu t the licence was withdrawn,"

That is exactly what occurred and I have never said, or claimed anything different from that. Licence issued in 2009 and revoked in 2010.

5: then was too small an order to have made a diffence to the Homs massacre

£30,000 would equate to around 100,000 rounds of ammunition. The Syrian Army, a conscripted force, numbered around 220,000 men - eh Jom that amounts to less than half a bullet per man - using your unparalleled military experience and knowledge, you tell me if that would be adequate.

6: "then was sent far too early to have had any effect"

Let me see now Jom, hypothetically an army of 220,000 get sent 100,000 bullets in 2009, or at least before Autumn 2010, then start massacring civilians in the Spring of 2012 - what did they use in training between autumn 2010 and Spring 2012? Wait!!! Don't tell me!!! 100,000 bullets that they had bought elsewhere in 2007 - Ya f**kin' idiot.

7: then was not compatible to be used by Assad's snipers"

Well yes Jom a 7.62x51mm round would not fit into the chamber of Assad's snipers weapons, which by the way DID fire 7.62mm ammunition. Which Jom if you were using logic and common sense would indicate what ammunition Assad's snipers would need. But as you are incapable of rational or logical thought that little detail would fly over your head at about 40,000 feet and you'd come out with the shit that follows.

8: "and last but not least - was the wrong size (even though the size was never specified in the reports of the order)"

What reports of the order? There was never an order, there was an application for an export licence covering the export of small arms ammunition to Syria nothing more. The ONLY calibre that would have been of any use was 7.62mm unfortunately NATO use 7.62x51mm rounds the Syrian armed forces and police use 7.62x39mm rounds - which is probably why you cannot and will not be able to come up with any records that will provide any evidence of any sale ever having taken place.

"I have no intention of re-opening this fiasco with you"

You already have you stupid prat - you were trounced in discussions on this five years ago and at various times in the interim when you have chosen to resurface the discussion - you are being trounced on it yet again, only you are too damn thick to realise it.

Mudcatters I respect I DO address civilly and with total respect - the likes of yourself, Shaw, the Gnome and Raggy I have nothing but contempt for and treat like for like. You in particular I regard as being the most intolerant, biased, bigoted individual on this forum.