The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3376   Message #3863158
Posted By: Jim Dixon
27-Jun-17 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Roast Beef of Old England
Subject: Lyr Add: BEEF AND LIBERTY ('No more shall Fame...'
I first ran across this in another forum where someone said it was called "Beef and Liberty"—but I tracked it down to this source:

From The Life and Death of the Sublime Society of Beef Steaks [compiled] by Walter Arnold (London: Bradbury, Evans, & Co., 1871), page 44 (where musical notation is also given):

Written by Brother Theodosius Forrest.[1]

No more shall Fame expand her wings
To sound of heroes, states and kings;
A nobler flight the Goddess takes,
To praise our British Beef in steaks,—
A joyful theme for Britons free,
Happy in Beef and Liberty.[2]

Oh! charming Beef, of thee possest,
Completely carved in steaks, and dressed,
We taste the dear variety,
Produced in earth, in air, in sea,—
Their flavour's all combined in thee,
Fit for the sons of Liberty.

Throughout the realms where despots reign,
What tracks of glory now remain!
Their people, slaves of power and pride,
Fat Beef and Freedom are denied!
What realm, what state, can happy be,
Wanting our Beef and Liberty?

O'er sea-coal fire and steel machine,
We broil the beauteous fat and lean;
Our drink Oporto's grapes afford,
Whilst India's nectar crowns the board,—
A right repast for such as we,
Friends to good cheer and Liberty![3]

1. Elected in the year 1763, and son of one of the original 24 Members in 1735.

2. [The last 2 lines are bracketed:] "Chorus after every verse."

3. On singing the last chorus Members and Visitors joined hands all round.

[The Sublime Society of Beef Steaks is apparently an ancestor of the present-day Beefsteak Club.]