The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162317   Message #3863667
Posted By: Felipa
30-Jun-17 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: UK Home Office attacks violin making
Subject: cheese making
2010 "According to a newsletter from Sopexa, the body which promotes French food and wine, a new university diploma in 'Cheese and Heritage" has been created by l'Université François Rabelais de Tours and the Institut Européen d'Histoire et des Cultures de l'Alimentation."

2013, Australia: A NSW cheesemaker says he can't expand his booming business because he can't find staff.

John Christensen, from New England Cheese at Nowendoc, milks 90 goats and 80 Jersey cows and manufactures products for 30 Sydney supermarkets.

He's got five positions vacant and has been forced to look overseas to fill them.

"Our biggest problem is that universities, Melbourne University (Gilbert Chandler campus) and Charles Stuart at Wagga Wagga, closed down their food technology courses for cheese making," he said.

"There's nowhere else, no TAFE colleges, no-one is set up at the moment for training."

You can study cheese making at artisnal schools, but it is not atypical for cheese makers to have degrees in food technology.