The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159111   Message #3864518
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
05-Jul-17 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Simple Gifts parody Complex Gifts
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Simple Gifts parody Complex Gifts
Mr. Joe that is a classic cup of....

Here another LORDS variation.


Off-tune, off-tune, wherever I may be,
For I am the lord who sings off-key.
And I'll sing off-key where ever I may be,
And you'll sing off-tune if you sing with me.

I sang at the tourney and I sang at the feast,
My voice was listened to the least.
They told me be silent, they told me be gone,
But there's still more words so my song goes on.

I sang at the campfire and I sang at the quest,
For our tactics were a little different to the rest.
We sang at the monsters till they bribed us be gone,
But there's still more clues so my song goes on.

I sang at the tourney and I sang at the war,
I sang till the fighters could not take any more.
They picked up their weapons and challenged me to fight,
But the song goes on 'cause I called their blows are light.
I sang for the Prince and I sang for the King,
To them my song seemed to have a different ring.
They did not shout nor did they complain,
They just banned me from singing for the rest of their reign!

The Known Words
The Etherial Edition A.S.I.

Revision 4.06, 2017-02-05
(Editor - Paul Sleigh aka
Baron Karl Faustus von Aachen,
formerly Eric of Tobar Mhuire, commonly called Eric the Fruitbat)


The current pdf collection is a wonderful romp through the prissey traditional gardens of English folk purists.