The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154176   Message #3864524
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
05-Jul-17 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: Reading Lyrics vs Memorization
Subject: RE: Reading Lyrics vs Memorization
"What pisses me off with crib sheets is that it's more often than not that it's youngsters who use them, leaving the impression that they really can't be arsed - extremely patronising
The oldies tend to have spent a lifetime singing their songs in

Jim - bear in mind there were fewer songs in total [good & bad] in existence when the folk tradition sprang forth, and later became more popularized...

Now there are countless millions.....
from dozens, if not hundreds & thousands, of genres and diverse cultures to choose from........

I often spend so much time trying to decide which CD to listen to,
I run out of time and have to go to bed having listened to nothing...

Kids these days, the aspiring singers, are over spoiled with choice for competing activities to occupy their time..
and in all honesty folk clubs are just only one of the available venues to practice show casing their 'talents'...