The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154176   Message #3864809
Posted By: The Sandman
07-Jul-17 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: Reading Lyrics vs Memorization
Subject: RE: Reading Lyrics vs Memorization
RAGGYTASH, no , I would never ban anyone neither would i ever say anything to anyone in public unless they asked me privately on a one to one basis. Ihave been absent playing and singing music and only have a computer in my office hence my tardy reply. It is in my opinion never silly to discuss thing again people can change or modify opinions.
I do not like seeing people using crib sheets and shuffling through stuff,
to add to my pevious opinion i believe professional actors are well able if they are also singers to perform well from words because they have practised it and know how to not make it a barrier between themselves and the audience.
As a member of the audience I still prefer to see the non use of crib sheets, I did see one girl perform well with a crib sheet in Robin hoods bay folk club, but my experience has been that good perfomance has been about 1 per cent .
I would advise performers with words to practise in front of a mirror, and practise each song often s0 that they do know it well and use the sheet as a last resort.
to insult and accuse , people of ac different opinion of arrogance and snobbery is in my opinion a sign of losing a discussion.
quote from Socrates "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser."