The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162413   Message #3864973
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
07-Jul-17 - 10:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Thatcher statue
Subject: RE: BS: Thatcher statue
about 10 years ago a statue of our very unpopular Prime Minister, Little Johnny Howard, a great fan of Margaret Thatcher was taken to the National Folk Festival where I took pics of it. Unfortunately I can only find one pic of it at the National & it just shows the statue in front of a marquee. Over the 5 days it was decorated with a beer can on it's bayonet & cigarettes. People loved interacting with it.

Photo & info & comments about the statue

If the Boots Don't Fit "Taylor portrayed Howard standing to attention, rifle at his side, in full Anzac regalia – the Digger's uniform, the slouch hat and the old kit bag – all of it about 10 sizes too big for the little digger."
"Howard appeared to be swimming in khaki, his chin pointing defiantly upwards, his facial expression reflecting a state of innocent patriotic bliss. Before federal police confiscate the sculpture, television cameras and press photographers ensured Taylor's work national exposure. The first monument to Howard had captured an essential truth about his politics: his clever exploitation of the Anzac legend." Mark Mckenna, Patriot act The Australian, June 6 2007

Even tho one of his political enemies was shorter it was Howard who received the name Little Johnny (the shorter bloke was larger than life & a more human person)

The statue moved around a bit & apparently has not been since about 2007/8.
