The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56949   Message #3865418
Posted By: Bat Goddess
10-Jul-17 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Jonathan Eberhart (18 Feb 2003)
Subject: RE: Obit: Jonathan Eberhart (18 Feb 2003)
Jonathan's not truly left us -- I think of him more often than I can count. I'd met him in the 1980s when the Boarding Party performed at The Press Room in Portsmouth, NH, but later -- 1992 -- got to spend more time in his August presence at Indian Neck. He and Ted Dawson and Don Duncan usually held cour at a rickety table on the screened porch at Camp Isabella Freedman, curmudging and solving the problems of the world. My late husband Tom Hall (Mudcat's Curmudgeon) was immediately embraced as a fellow curmudgeon and completed the fourth side of the table.

Truly some of my fondest memories of that era.
