The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162397   Message #3865558
Posted By: Jim Carroll
11-Jul-17 - 07:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorism you don't read about
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorism you don't read about
"The majority of the attackers are British white men and the majority of the victims are white men too."
I've just put that up Keith
The operative word is "the majority" - you claim to have shown that none of these attacks are racist
Racist crimes of any type are in the minority compared to other violent crimes
Nobody is claiming otherwise - you are defending racism by claiming that none of these attacks are racially motivated, just as you claimed that the Manchester attack couldn't possibly have been racially motivated because the police claimed them to be gang related
You have had descriptions of ethnic gangs which have been formed as a protection against racist attacks on their communities - you chooose to ignore those facts, even though they come from the police and community workers
That's how dedicated you are in getting to the truth
Why are you making the defence of racism by denying its existence another of your crusades
The huge increase in racist attacks in Britain over the last year speaks for itself
You have yet to respond to that either
"A new study from University of Oslo reveals that anti-Semitism in Europe is far worse than originally thought"
Did you know that the Israili regime are now openly defending antisemitism in Hungary Bobad?
The ultra-right there issued an antisemitic poster attacking Jewish billionaire George Soros
Human rights Watch compared the poster to Nazi propaganda, Yossi Amrani, Israel's ambassador agreed and demanded a ban on the poster   
His bosses in Israel endorsed the call, but U-turned when they found that Soros gave money to charities which are critical of Netanyahu - they are now defending the poster.
So the Israeli regime has finally come out publicly declaring their own well-being to be more important than that of the Jewish People
That's from today's Times, by the way
There now follows a short period where the usual suspect will hastily scrabble round finding reasons why Israel's antisemitism should be defended and supported
Jim Carroll