The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30189   Message #386655
Posted By: Brendy
31-Jan-01 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: Bloody Sunday (30 January 1972, Derry)
Subject: RE: Bloody Sunday
"I'd certainly agree with finding out the truth, if that's genuinely the aim"
What always gets me about statements like that is the qualifier at the end. What do you think the aim might be, Grab?

If there is genuinely another aim?

As far as objecting to threads commemorating the bombings you mentioned, I have no problem with that. War is a terrible thing, and terrible things happen. I would, though, love to hear the account British Intelligence would give about their scanning the of radio frequencies in the 2 hours leading up to the Enniskillen bombing.
Ever wonder why it took the IRA 2 days to 'admit' the deed?

And as far as the 'true Brit' bit goes. It is a singularly 'British' trait, especially with concern to things Irish to speak first, only to be educated after.
'Prod', 'Papist', or 'Black' is either sectarian or rascist. I am neither.
