The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162467   Message #3866744
Posted By: Jim Carroll
18-Jul-17 - 04:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: NO-go subjects on Mudat
Subject: BS: No-go subjects on Mudat
It appears that we have reached the point on this forum that when we choose "uncomfortable" subjects to discuss they are closed and we are told to "go and play" by the moderators.
I find this an extremely patonising attitude towards a group of adults by a bunch of faceless censors who have taken it upon themselves to 'Firewall' certain subjects because they cause dissension
We don't always behave ourselves as we should - true - that goes for all sides of the political and musical spectrum, but unless we are allowed to slug them out in the manner we see fit, there is little point of our being here
If any of us overstep the mark and indulge in bad behaviour , it is up to the moderators to warn us and, if we persist, have us removed from the thread and then the forum
On several occasions now, threads have been deliberately closed by trolls simply screaming hate-filled insults, "Jew hater" being a particular favourite - it has become a sure way to curtail uncomfortable discussion.
These hate-mailers are allowed to continue, thread after killed-off thread
Why - are these built-in ejector seats for when them upstairs decide we've said enough?
On our part, we seriously need to get a grip and moderate our own behaviour, but we need to be allowed to do so as adults.
The subjects that cause the problems are usually serious ones that concern us deeply and often passionately, but if we can't express ourselves fully on them, they become anodyne and pointless
There is a clause in the membership that suggests we behave politely and with respect to each other - if we all adhered to that one, I believe we can be trusted to behave responsibly without placing bounds on where we can take discussions.
A first step might be to give a final warning to the hate-poster who immediately reverts to "Jew hater" when he finds himself at a loss for an articulate response.
There are no "Jew haters" on this forum, or if there are, they have never made themselves known enough to have become a problem.
A final warning and then expulsion would clean out this particular Augean Stable
Jim Carroll