The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162467   Message #3866792
Posted By: Senoufou
18-Jul-17 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: NO-go subjects on Mudat
Subject: RE: BS: NO-go subjects on Mudat
That's it in a nutshell Dave. We can all have different viewpoints (and how boring if we all thought the same about everything. There'd be nothing to discuss!) but there's no need for folk to get nasty, call each other names and insult those who differ.

My lovely, talented and clever niece is a card-carrying Communist. Her mum and I are Tories. We do have discussions, but we all find it interesting, not unpleasant. And the fact she's a Buddhist and a vegetarian adds spice to the chat. I wouldn't dream of insulting her, nor she me.