The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87939   Message #3868317
25-Jul-17 - 09:43 PM
Thread Name: Pimentel Guitars...any opinions?
Subject: RE: Pimentel Guitars...any opinions?
I would like to say they are great guitars...... they just are not. I used to think they were but then I became more educated re: luthier quality guitars. I used to think they were honest business people, but unfortunately they are not.
In the mid 1990's I had 2 guitars made by L. Pimentel. A Grand Concert E. Indian Rosewood guitar and a year later a supposed Brazilian Flamenca Negra that came from some old pre cities Brazilian Rosewood that he had in storage completely forgotten about.
I paid a huge price for the 2nd guitar and it got plenty of playing time. I was very happy with both guitars. I was given samples of the wood they used to hand make both guitars and still have them to this day.
Not too long ago I sold both of the guitars and kept the pieces of wood as souvenirs.
I am getting ready for a well known and respected luthier to build a guitar for me.
I sent him a picture of what was the questionable piece of Brazilian Rosewood from my Pimentel guitar made by Lorenzo Pimentel. Right away he was able to see that it was NOT Brazilian Rosewood, but Zircote wood. I had my suspicions for some time, but it is now verified.
They even wrote inside the guitar Brazilian Rosewood.
If I am to give them the benefit of the doubt I would say they don't know about wood and it was an honest mistake?
If they have been making guitars for that many years, they knew it was Zircote and passed it off as Brazilian Rosewood which is a despicable business practice.
From being in their shop several times, and having met the whole family I must say that Lorenzo was a nice enough guy but the kids were money hungry jerks.
I would not recommend anyone to these guitar makers.
The guitars are average at best compared to what else is out there. One is able to purchase better for far less money. I will make posts elsewhere on the Internet exposing what happened to me so that people can become aware of their business practices.
A difficult but good learning experience for me!