The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30236   Message #386873
Posted By: sophocleese
31-Jan-01 - 05:57 PM
Thread Name: Practice: blue clicky things
Subject: RE: BS: blue clicky things
Umm, is it only me or other people mildly amused at Joe's double posting? Useful information there I didn't know before and I'll be able to use. Thanks.
The double-posting was intentional, and the corrupt first version of my post has been deleted. I mistyped one little character, and my "edit" button screws up display HTML. So, although I tell others not to do it, I used the "back" button and went back to my original and corrected it, and then hit the "submit" button again. Don't try this at home. This is an operation to be performed only by trained professionals...
I intended to delete the double post right away, but got distracted by a Union Maid - so sophocleese had time to catch me in the act.
-Joe Offer-