The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30122   Message #386948
Posted By: Skeptic
31-Jan-01 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: U.S. growing more and more disturbing
Subject: RE: U.S. growing more and more disturbing
More and more evolutionary theory seems to be finding that Darwin was only telling half the story. Cooperation, looks like the rule. (in the non-human animal kingdom, anyway) Look at dominance fights in herds. If they were about competition and survival of the fittest, then all those fights would be to the death (clean out the gene pool). Usually, the fight ends when one of the fighters proves they are dominant. Diversity in the gene pool preserved. They, in effect, cooperate to resolve the issue without killing. Radical idea, that.

Survival of the Fittest logically leads to specialization and ultimately should produce a single version of a specific animal in an ecology Yet on the Galapagos, the same species of bird has developed multiple types of specialization to fit into the environment. The don't compete with each other. Each has their own niche and they share the environment. Examples abound, btw. Do a search on co-evolution as a start.


troll rarely means anything. When he seems to, its probably an accident.

