The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162548   Message #3869689
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
03-Aug-17 - 08:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Standard meat Indian restaurants?
Subject: RE: BS: Standard meat Indian restaurants?
Dislike of Islam...???

Basically... I don't like any religions or strict authoritarian cultural / political orthodoxies...

I wish they'd all pack up shop, release their followers, and vanish into history...

But that ain't ever gonna happen...

I'd like less hypocrisy from meat eaters, all animals are potential meat products.. including your beloved horses, cats and dogs.. even me and you...

Veggies and Vegans deserve respect to a great extent, but they are not without failings, and can be obnoxiously strident in their self righteousness...

I want best quality meat at the lowest prices I can afford.. so can't be too blind to the worst practices of the global meat industry...

Let us meat eaters not kid ourselves all our meat is from completely ethical [or non criminal] humane sources...

..and while we are carping on about animal cruelty.. spare a thought for carp in central & Eastern European street markets...

I'm off for a Tesco ham sandwich..

It looks like real ham at 3 or 4 quid a pack .. but I'm not convinced... 🤔