The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162548   Message #3870302
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
06-Aug-17 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Standard meat Indian restaurants?
Subject: RE: BS: Standard meat Indian restaurants?
You are racist for highlighting your desire to see halal labelling only

Also Kosher, and for the same non racist and purely rational reasons I have given.
You call me racist and other nasty names because you can not answer what I actually say.

and no other aspect of welfare or husbandry

For myself, buying organic means I know it is not injected with hormones or anti-biotics or reared in intensive systems.
Anyone who cares about those things has the choice because organic food is labelled.

It's the same as the confected outrage about "Sharia Law taking the country over

I have never expressed such a ludicrous view and never would. Why mention it?

Halal butchers may say what they are over the shop but the meat inside is no more labelled than the meat in any other butchers

The sign is as good as a label.

Not once has anyone in this thread indicated that lack of labelling is a problem for Muslims

I have, and it must be where Halal specialist shops are not available.

To me, that's the only thing that matters.

Lucky you. What about the millions who need to know and the millions more who would like to know.

You've just referred to halal, kosher and "regulation," as if there's something wrong with halal and kosher. Subliminal...

You are truly obsessed to the point of being deranged. Halal and Kosher butchers are not bound by the regulations on slaughter that apply to others.

The RSPCA and the British Veterinary Association say that there is something wrong with Halal and Kosher slaughter, because it causes unnecessary suffering.
Do you know better?